For those who dont know what Ashoora means,In the Islamic calendar, 10th day of the month of Muharram is the day of 'Ashoora, a day of mourning for all feeling Muslims. It is the day on which, in the year of 61 Hijri (680 AD), in a place called Karbala, in Iraq, Imam Hussain, the grandson of the Prophet of Islam, sacrificed his life and the lives of many of his family members and friends, in order to save the teachings of Islam from utter distortion and destruction.

With his sacrifice, Hussain (AS) attracted to himself the eyes of all the free-thinking people of his time and of all the time to come. In that time of confusion, when right and wrong had become so intermixed that they had lost distinction, Hussain, in Karbala, irrevocably re-established that distinction, creating a clear, incisive demarkation between right and wrong, and leaving no doubts (for even the most prejudiced of historians) about the fact that the right lay with Hussain, and the wrong lay with those who opposed him. Establishing this fact, Hussain, through his words and actions and the words and actions of his companions, encapsulated all the teachings of Islam within a short span of time, in the field of Karbala, creating a beacon of light for the truth seekers of all times.

It is this event that is marked on the tenth of Muharram every year. It is this event that has made free thinking people of all times love Hussain with a selfless love beyond compare. And it is this love that expresses itself through mourning during the month of Muharram, and particularly on 'Ashoora, the 10th of Muharram, every year. The mourning is a way to remind oneself of Hussain's incomparable sacrifice, a way to thank him, a way to express love for him, and a way to broadcast to the world his message of true freedom.

Write up is from
Pictures taken in Ras rumman, Ma'atam Ajem, Manama Town,Kingdom of Bahrain
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